Why do I want to do business?

1. The high-quality social resources are controlled by the grandfather and father generations! I, like an ant at the bottom, can't make a breakthrough in the industry

2. Introverted, not good at socializing, or disdain flattery and bootlicking!

3. See through the essence of working! The salary you can get is the top, the expenditure is the bottom, and people are the sponges in the middle! Although it can absorb water, it will be squeezed dry even if it is saturated.

4. Not willing to live a mediocre life. Don't want to live for the sake of living! Everyone has their own ambitions, and my ambition is only wealth and freedom. Even if I fail in the end, I am in debt and wander around begging for a living.

5. This is the best route I know within the current range!