【2024.5.5 BTC/ETH intraday market analysis】

Today is the last day of May Day, and also the last day of this week. Tomorrow is the closing of the weekly line. According to the historical reference of the previous three years, it will fall after May Day. I don’t know if this year will be the same as the previous years. Everyone should pay more attention. If the big cake falls below 62400, the cottage has a profit. Remember to reduce your position! #大盘走势

The big cake has a positive line for 3 consecutive days. A small-level rise has driven the rebound of the daily line. Today, the 1/2 hour level has been adjusted. Pay attention to the support positions of 62950-62400 below. If it falls below 62400 today, this wave of daily rebound will end and the market will turn to short. Pay attention to the support positions below 61730-61000-60460

If the 1-hour closing line today stands above 63560, then the small-level correction is completed and it will start to rise again. The upper pressure level/target is around 64550-65220-65850. #BTC

Ether said yesterday that it would rebound only after it stood above 3135. Yesterday, the 1-hour K-line rushed to 3167 and was immediately smashed down. Ethereum is currently on the short side in the 1/2 hour. Pay attention to the position of 3100. If it falls below this position, the 4-hour rebound will end and the market will turn short. Pay attention to the support level/target near 3047-2973-2932.

If the 1-hour closing line stands above 3115 today, the small-level correction will be completed, and the market will most likely start to rise. The upper target is around 3150-3193-3240. #ETH