Let me explain you how can someone buy $doky.

1- search at google “phantom wallet”. If you are on pc you will get extension.Add that extension and create wallet. If you are on mobile you will get phantom wallet app from app-store.

2- create wallet save your private key do not share that key. Save it otherwise you would not able to withdraw if you logged out.

3- Deposit some SOL in Phantom or solfare wallet. How you can do that let me explain that as well for you.

4- After creating wallet copy your solana wallet there are 3 wallets etherium, Polygon and Solana. You need to copy solana wallet. Then go to binanace or any other CEX and withdraw Sol.

5- You shoudl see SOL in Phantom wallet. Then go to This link to buy using swap ( connect wallet first )


or use this CA with any swap that support Raydium

CA : 5Rs53fY3q4t4mLk9zBQ45cVNgF1RH7NqRNXiP6Pa5rYH
