Today, there is an epic melee in the cryptocurrency circle. The community, kol, project parties, scientists, etc. attack each other, which has become an inevitable split between the community and the project parties in the cryptocurrency circle. If participating in project interactions is a witch, then all users in the cryptocurrency circle are witches. The cryptocurrency circle itself is a casino. It is understandable to seek profit and avoid harm. You can filter addresses by conditions. If no one enters in large numbers, your project will not be rewarded. Most projects in the cryptocurrency circle are not used by anyone, and the address is also at the 100,000 level, not the million level, or even the 10 million level. 👿👿👿 A positive game becomes a zero-sum game, which seriously affects the development of the cryptocurrency circle. No one will be willing to participate in the interaction in the future. They will have no data, financing, and listing on exchanges will become problems? 😋😋😋$BTC $ETH $SOL