There have been people commenting on the issue of rolling positions. This is called adding positions with floating profits, trial positions, adding positions, and adding positions again... Livermore's favorite, but his leverage is very high; almost all trading books will introduce this operation method. You can understand it by reading a few more books. If you don't understand it, it's probably because you haven't even read the book.

But there will be no detailed operations in the book. The specific operations are more related to experience and are not easy to quantify.

It can be seen that the term rolling position is not new. The recent popularity of this term may be because of me in the B circle.

Some people use this to scold me and hurt others. I can only say that this is a regular operation method of trading. There is nothing special about it. It is not invented by me, and the risk lies in leverage, never in the method.

Although rolling positions can achieve low risks and reduce leverage, most rolling positions are closed at the original price, because there are many volatile markets, and most people cannot accept the situation where nine out of ten operations cannot make a profit.

My choice is not to roll easily to solve the problem of always being out of the market at the original price. However, if you don't roll easily, you will miss the big market that may appear. But I think it is much better to miss the market than to gain and lose. And you don't need to succeed many times. You only need to succeed four times in your life. In fact, I have only done it twice and have been looking forward to catching the next time.

So, if you really want to learn this, you might as well learn patience first. Before learning to roll, learn not to roll first. Rolling is not rolling, and not rolling is rolling. Why do you always insist on rolling or not rolling?

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