Only trade within the system. The market fluctuates greatly, but it is not all opportunities, there are also traps. It is important to have an objective perspective, a calm mind, and follow the system signals. Of course, in the fierce fluctuations of the market, it is sometimes inevitable to be led by the market, be obsessed with losses, and be inflated by profits. What can make you return to rationality is either a liquidation or a timely withdrawal.

It is difficult for a person to keep a clear mind at all times. At this time, you need another person to help you at a critical moment, which may be a new turning point in life.

Take the market as a teacher, learn to constantly summarize and refine, and when your trading system accumulates enough data, you can be infinitely close to success. However, in addition to a reliable system, the biggest gap between liquidation and continuous profitability is execution. Knowledge and action are separated by thousands of miles, which is why we must constantly improve and cultivate ourselves.

In the morning, the trend was oscillating. In the morning, the top was measured to the 63555 first-line position, and then it was retracement. From the current short-term 1h level, the upward momentum is lacking, and the current short-term is also dominated by shorts. In the short term, focus on the bottom line support of the retracement.

Bitcoin is long near 62000, target is 64000

Ether is long near 3060, target is 3150$BTC $ETH #BTC走势分析 #TRB暴涨 #美联储何时降息? #ETH #BTC