At the beginning of every month, Lao Ai will make a monthly market forecast, and this month is no exception.

[Replay this section of the operation]:

At the beginning of April 9, we shorted the market based on the assumption that July 28 was the local top. The tone of April was mentioned when we made the forecast in March. April is a bearish and volatile market. We should take more profits and stop more profits.

There is still some tail position left. How much is left depends on whether the market will give it or not.

Early trading on the 19th:

The bulk options are at 5.7 5.8, and the early trading also gave a bearish outlook. This is the first time that the time node is given and things will gradually improve after May 1st.

Big cycle spot entry 5.5

The morning market thinking on April 22 continued to emphasize that the market will improve after May Day. 5.95-5.65 is the change position of the daily line. This rhythm has been repeated for 23 years.

[Combined with options and this structural position, this is why I gave 5.7-5.5 for No. 1 to move the position into the fifth layer]

4.28 days

The last cycle of the change is around Tuesday this week, combining the time of macro and market consolidation.

Tuesday is the 30th

May 1st:

The contract entry expectation is expected to drop to 5.65 on the 22nd

Spot is synchronized with all public media and clubs, enter the market on 5.5-5.7

Our wave reached a local peak at 7.28 and entered the market at 5.7. Although we can’t say that we grasped everything perfectly, at least we had a clear understanding of the market situation at that stage.

These are all things that can be checked by public media!

So don't ask for a trial order, how about trying it out, how is the experience, there is no need

Just follow me for a long time and follow the trend.

May forecast:

May will be a more volatile month. The market does not happen overnight. Don’t think that if it falls, it falls, and if it rises, it rises. If you don’t make a good entry and exit plan, you will be dominated by emotions.

This month, the monthly line of Bitcoin first pointed downward, verifying the expectation that things will get better on May Day. At least in this stage, the 5.7 position will not be broken. Once it breaks down, it will be a vacuum zone, and it will be a good day to reduce chips.

This month, 6.58 and 6.75 are two key turning points for the bitcoin price. If it can’t even pass 6.55, there’s no need to talk about new highs.

The idea for May is roughly around: more volatility, wide range of volatility

Ether: It is still the wedge structure of the daily line. It has been two months. When this wedge structure comes out, there will be other ways to play. The others are all within the structure.