Wall Street finally ushered in a nightmare moment. At 2 a.m. on Thursday, Labor Day, the Federal Reserve made a shocking interest rate decision - instead of cutting interest rates, it chose to reduce the scale of balance sheet reduction. In fact, the Federal Reserve has been secretly shrinking its balance sheet.

The real fear of the US financial system is not the interest rate hike, but the depletion of liquidity. Balance sheet reduction will quickly withdraw liquidity from the US financial market, bringing a heavy blow to the market.

The financial war has entered a white-hot stage. In order to persist longer in the contest with Asian countries, the United States has now chosen a risky strategy. They no longer cut interest rates, but choose to shrink their balance sheets, attempting to put pressure on Asian countries by delaying time and trying to detonate the Asian financial crisis. #美联储何时降息? #BTC走势分析