How to get out from the bottom?

Do things first, establish your reputation later, and then get involved in social circles. Remember not to do the opposite when making connections. If a person from an ordinary or even low-level background wants to get ahead, there is a certain order.

Doing things is of course the first step.

You must have your own main battlefield, a craft and a highly irreplaceable skill. You have to have something that you can really use, and then you have the foundation for the first step before you can start.”

If you are a lawyer, you have to win several tough lawsuits. If you are a doctor, you have to use your medical skills to prove that you can bring people back to life.

Therefore, people always have to go through a period of loneliness to consolidate what they can "start".

The second step is to establish a name

This name is reputation and personality. You have to find ways to let others know you, understand you, know what you have done, and understand what you are capable of. What benefits can they gain from associating with you? People in society are all driven by profit, and it is impossible to confide in an unknown person. If you want to exchange resources and maximize benefits, you must first become famous.

Once you become famous, you will attract more people, and at the same time you will find that your abilities have become greater.

The third step is to mingle

When you become famous, you have actually escaped from the bottom. If you want to continue to climb up, you cannot always toss in your own small circle. You have to keep expanding into new circles. The breadth of the circle determines your possibilities, your opportunities, and your upper limit; the depth of the circle's bond with you determines whether you can go further and more easily. The social reputation and attributes you have accumulated in the past will determine whether the circle will accept you. A director of a tertiary hospital will have quite a few entrepreneur friends, and a famous lawyer can have morning tea with celebrities. This is the siphon brought about by fame and attributes.

The fourth step is connections

Networks are those who can mobilize or even proactively provide help. Those "liked" acquaintances lying in the phone book and WeChat are not called connections. You should use your resources and abilities to help others, so that others can help you, and continuously strengthen your personal relationships through interest exchange. Through the people in your circle, you will continue to meet new friends and connections, and finally achieve success.

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