Today the market suddenly rose at 8:30.

Today within the Thirteen Circles, I have given some codes in advance in order to cope with the sudden rise caused by good news.

I just didn't expect that the rise brought about by this good news would be so resolute that some of the points given by the passwords could not be received.

However, we are a group of long-termists. If we can take it in the short term, we will take it. If we can’t, we will just let it go.

This time's non-farm data brought forward expectations of a rate hike. The market believes that expectations for a rate hike in July have increased significantly. At the same time, Morgan and Goldman Sachs believe that the Federal Reserve will raise interest rates in July.

In the short term, today is Friday and it is the weekend. As long as there is no particularly negative fundamental news, it is unlikely that the market will fall below 60,000.

It may fluctuate at the current position or slowly move up to around 63,500.

Because the current market sentiment shows signs of reversal, but we just experienced a big drop yesterday, and today we encountered such a rising market, investors are still feeling uneasy.

Coupled with the continued outflow of US ETFs, the crazy buying we imagined did not occur. However, judging from the data and news, when Bitcoin fell to US$56,000, BlackRock did take some protective measures.

Maybe they think it has reached a short-term bottom.


The current market is full of mixed news, making retail investors dizzy.

Shisan has said countless times in his articles that short-term market conditions are unpredictable and one can only make money from trends through reasonable position control.

With this wave of sharp decline, many professional investment institutions believe that the cryptocurrency market has reached its most severe point since the FTX crash.

Professional organization Coindesk even believes that Bitcoin’s seven-month bull market has come to an end, and it will face a long-term correction cycle.

10x even believes that Bitcoin will fall to a level starting with 3. They based their conclusion on a historical analysis of miners’ earnings and Bitcoin’s value trends.

Of course, this conclusion is just a theoretical inference now. 10X also clearly stated in the report that it is just speculation, and they do not think that Bitcoin will fall to this price.

The various analyses in the market have caused many investors to panic.

However, Thirteen is still full of confidence in the future market. Bitcoin will reach 100,000 US dollars this year, so Thirteen hardly cares about the ups and downs in the short term.

The assets in the account every day are just a string of numbers. After so many years in the cryptocurrency circle, we have experienced too much. Looking back from the bull market, our hesitation and timidity are like those of a clown.

The chips, which were originally as valuable as gold, were sold amid the market fluctuations.

Is it possible that what these experts say will happen? Of course it is possible, but as long as you hold the spot and extend the timeline, all the pain and entanglement will no longer exist.


Some friends of mine in the Thirteen Circles were very scared recently and cleared their positions during the morning correction.

Thirteen was really angry.

Thirteen has told them countless times the correct investment methods in the bull market, but in the face of market fluctuations, their former firm confidence has turned into fear from the soul.

After a big drop, as long as the market recovers a little, I can't help but sell out.

Then put your hands together and hope the market will continue to plummet.

Often in this situation, the market will not fall but will continue to rise, and these retail investors will have to take over at high prices.

This way you will be ruined in the cryptocurrency world.

When the market plummets, you may cut your losses and exit, or you may cut your losses at the bottom of the rebound.

This is what the dealer wants to achieve.

When you actually leave the market, you will find that the market takes off, then continues to buy at high levels, and then plummets... Over and over again...

What is the correct method? Long-term positions should never be moved, regardless of whether the price goes up or down. Positions can only be fine-tuned, but high-selling and low-buying are not allowed in the currency circle.

Many friends are too naive and think that they can maximize profits by selling at a high price and buying back at a low price.

But the sad reality is that the position you buy at is generally high-risk, and the position you sell at is generally the bottom.

No one can buy low and sell high in the short term. It is possible if the time scale is extended, but I find that many newbies can change hands more than ten times in just a few days.

The capital, which was not much to begin with, was lost in tatters.

I have already shown you the correct method in thirteen circles, why are you bothering?


Today I saw a book that I thought was very good.

Don't try to convince or change others. When making friends, don't try to educate them, just screen them.

Only choose people who share the same ideals as you. When you try to change others, it is basically useless.

Only the south wall can make them turn back.

But since everyone has entered the Thirteen Circle, it is Thirteen's responsibility to teach everyone the correct investment method, but the specific operation is up to you.

In the previous security market, Thirteen has been instilling risks into everyone, but countless people scoffed at him, thinking that Thirteen was worrying too much and that the market would not correct to allow the leeks to get on board.

​What’s the result?

Thirteen asks everyone to control their positions, never be fully invested, and use positions to deal with the risks of fluctuations. If you follow Thirteen's instructions, what is there to panic about now?

Even if you are making a loss now, it is only a floating loss. If you invest in the cryptocurrency world with the right method, you will find that investing here is really simple.

Everyone should be wary of those who shout around you: "The crash is coming! The bear market is coming! Hurry up and sell your stocks..." These leeks are actually a group of young leeks who have never seen the world.

If you are influenced by the leeks, it means that you are also a leek. Stay away from them quickly and get back on the right investment track.

In this correction market, those who panic and sell their stocks are the leeks, while real investors will choose to buy at the bottom.

Don't question whether others have the money to buy at the bottom. When you only have a fixed amount of money to invest in the cryptocurrency circle, real investors will continuously provide transfusions to their positions, especially in the early stages of such a bull market.

They deserve to make money and get rich.

This may be the difference between the poor and the rich.

Come on, people in the cryptocurrency world,

Welcome to: Minus Thirteen Degrees

Let’s go through the bull and bear markets together and see through the mundane affairs of the cryptocurrency world.