Follow along with me below ⬇️

First of all, let us know what Binance Megadrop is;

It is a service that has been integrated with Binance with the aim of early access to airdrop on Binance web3 based on collecting points and obtaining coins before they are released through:

Store bnb and some tasks that will enable you to earn points will be determined in the future ✅

Also, according to this approach, the currencies of the project $BB will be subscribed and distributed to users ✅

How to participate in this airdrop:

By storing btcB on the bep20 network on a built-in application interface with the named web3 wallet


What is the goal of this project?

Bridging the gap between the worlds of centralized finance (CeFi) and decentralized finance (DeFi) by providing innovative Bitcoin reconnection infrastructure.

We now move on to the steps:

First, we go to the Binance interface and through the search box we type: Megadrop

We will get an interface like the one shown before you. We click on Subscribe 👇:

After that, we will move to the subscription page for reserving a bnb quantity, where you can specify the quantity and you can close it, and then the approval option is marked and press confirm;

Warning: The longer you choose to lock, the more points there will be

Before moving to the second step, make sure that you have transferred BTC worth $10 on the BEP20 network in addition to the transaction tax, which is BNB worth $3 ✅ on the web3 wallet.

The second step is to go back to the same Megadrop page, then click on the “Earn points” option:

Now that we have moved to the second interface, we click on the [Start Now] option.

After that, the application will take us to the BounceBit interface:

We make sure to connect the wallet first, as shown before you;

After that, we know which option is correct ✅

And we click Approve;

After that, we return to the first interface through which we were transferred to BounceBit and click on Verify your identity ✅

Good luck to everyone🌹

#Binance #Bnb