Have you seized the chance to change your fate?

In the past 40 years, there have been eight opportunities to change class.

1️⃣ The first was the resumption of the college entrance examination in 1977, when many poor people achieved class leap.

2️⃣ The second was the reform of state-owned enterprises in the 1980s. It gave ordinary people the first opportunity to turn over and achieve class leap.

3️⃣ The third was the transition from planned economy to market economy in the mid-1980s, and the arbitrage of the dual-track system. Buying at a low price within the plan and selling at a market price outside the plan allowed a large number of people who dared to speculate to achieve primitive accumulation.

4️⃣ The fourth was the business in 1992. The "market economy" of the 14th National Congress was written into the Party Constitution, which triggered a wave of business. As long as you dare to think and do, you can enjoy this wave of dividends.

5️⃣ The fifth was the WTO dividend period in the early 21st century. Due to market opening, lower trade barriers, and strengthened international cooperation, many companies that export resources and industrial products have achieved industrial sedimentation.

6️⃣The sixth time was the rise of the Internet 15 years ago, which created a large number of Internet head companies and billionaires, and was also the biggest outlet other than the real estate market in the past 20 years.

7️⃣The seventh time was the crazy real estate market eight years ago, and countless people were changed by the skyrocketing housing prices.

8️⃣The eighth time was the cryptocurrency Bitcoin ten years ago, the world's first and only de-neutralized finance, which promoted the process of blockchain application. It allowed early speculators to achieve a thousand-fold or even ten-thousand-fold asset increase. It is still in the early development stage and has not yet been truly applied into life.

9️⃣The ninth time is the future artificial intelligence AI technology. Driven by the direction of large models, science fiction movies will become a reality, and the real application is still far away, with huge imagination space.

✔️These opportunities to change fate appear once every 5 to 10 years on average. If you seize one, you will not be abandoned by the times. If you seize two or more times, most people surpass 99% of their peers!

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