Practical experience and skills to help you trade in cryptocurrencies without losing money!

1. A sharp drop is a touchstone for testing high-quality coins. If the market falls, the coin you bought falls slightly and moves independently. It is obvious that there are dealers protecting the market, so you can hold this kind of coin with confidence and you will definitely gain something.

2. If a novice does not know how to buy and sell, the simplest and most direct method is to hold on the 5-day line in the short term and sell when it breaks the 5-day line. Hold the coin on the 20-day line in the medium term and sell it when it breaks the 20-day line. There are many methods, and the one that suits you is the best. The difficulty of trading is not that there is no method, but the execution. If you insist on repeating a method without thinking, more than 90% of people will have no problem. The road is simple.

3. Once the main rising wave is formed and there is no obvious increase in volume, intervene decisively, hold the coin when the volume rises, hold the coin when the volume falls but the trend is not broken, and reduce the position quickly when the volume falls and the trend breaks.

4. If there is no fluctuation in the short-term purchase for three days, sell it if you can. If it does not rise but falls after buying, stop loss unconditionally at a loss of 5%.

5. If a coin falls 50% from a high position and falls for 8 consecutive days, it has entered the oversold channel, and the oversold rebound is imminent, so you can follow up.

6. When speculating in coins, you should speculate in the leading coins, only the leading coins, not the miscellaneous coins, because when it rises, the leading coins rise the most violently, and when it falls, the most resistant to falling. Don't be afraid to get on the bus. Speculating in coins is often anti-human. Don't buy because of the large decline, and don't stop buying because of the large increase. The more you dare not buy, the more it rises, and the more you dare to buy, the more it falls. The strong will always be strong. The most important thing for short-term speculation in leading coins is to buy at a high position and sell at a higher position!

7. Embrace the trend and follow the trend. The lower the purchase price is, the better it is, but the more appropriate the better. You will not gain an advantage because the purchase price is cheap, because the decline has no bottom. Give up the junk coins, and the trend is king.

8. Don't be overwhelmed by the blood of profit. You must know that the most difficult thing in the world is how to make continuous profits. You must seriously review the market. Is it luck or strength? A stable trading system that suits you is the kingly way to make continuous profits.

9. Don’t trade for the sake of trading. What does it mean? When you are not sure enough that this transaction can make a profit, don’t force to open a position. Shorting is a science. Those who know how to buy are apprentices, those who know how to sell are masters, and those who know how to short are the ancestors. The first consideration in trading is not profit, but capital preservation. What matters in trading is not frequency but success rate!

10. In fact, in the speculative market, improvisation is the most wrong approach. Use your own fixed trading system and keep the same system to cope with all changes. I am not afraid that you use 10,000 methods, but I am afraid that you use one method 10,000 times. Immobility is the best defense. Often, when you are most reluctant, you make the most mistakes. You should seriously understand this sentence!

11. I believe that those who can persist in trading for more than 4 years are all because of the word "passion". Passion is okay. If you want to do something well, passion is a must. But don't be too obsessed, or even become addicted and unable to extricate yourself. Family is our biggest responsibility.

12. The outside is uncontrollable, and the inside is self-reliant. It is extremely important not to blame others for your failure. No matter how low you fall, you must take full responsibility for your own decisions. Only by taking responsibility can you face mistakes and not repeat them. Real cryptocurrency traders are warriors who dare to face mistakes!

13. Listen less to outside gossip, because there is no right or wrong in opinions. Many times, what you can see is what they want you to see, or these words are what you want to hear. When you are not interested in the media or any methods of masters, congratulations, you are not far from getting started and success, because you may have a little more of your own things, faith!

14. You think you are trading the market, but in fact you are trading yourself. The glamorous success we see is just the result and performance. Behind success is great perseverance and patience, and behind greatness is suffering. Time is the most valuable asset, endurance is better than brainpower, talent is not important, and mentality is very important!

If you feel helpless, confused, and can't see the direction in trading, you can come to my village to have a look. The strategy is to click the avatar Kan Jianjie, and the conditions are real players.

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