There is no shortcut in trading. You can't see how many detours others have taken and how much they have paid.

Only then did they make it.

Then they fantasize that they can reach the level of others in a short time, and then charge a lot of money to make themselves bankrupt.

Let go of the idea of ​​getting rich overnight, and even the idea of ​​rushing for success, and learn step by step

Trading is actually the same as playing games. Some people are suitable for shooters, some are suitable for junglers, and some are suitable for short-term trading and some are suitable for swing trading. Before trading, we must examine ourselves and find out what our strengths are, and then go to specialize, instead of imitating various operating methods and learning nothing in the end

During the rise, you are afraid of falling, dare not buy or sell quickly to wait for a callback

During the fall, you are afraid of continuing to fall, dare not buy and continue to wait for a new low

Live in fear of trading every day

Why not be simple? Just buy spot and hold it, ignoring fluctuations

Many people always think that the harder they work in trading, the more they earn

In fact, for most people, the harder they work, the more they lose

Who are the dealers most afraid of? Those who are afraid of holding on to their coins and not being able to get rid of them no matter how much volatility there is

Before you have sufficient cognitive ability, you should first make a good faith currency for spot trading.

Meituan CEO Wang Xing said:

"Many people are willing to believe in myths, shortcuts, and secrets, but in fact there are no myths or secrets in this world. What can make you win are some very simple and plain truths:

Cheap ones beat expensive ones;

Good service beats bad service;

Good quality beats bad quality;

Serious ones beat rash ones;

Patience beats impetuous ones;

Diligence beats laziness;

Reputable ones beat unreputable ones."

I would add that in the currency circle, those who summarize and review the market in a down-to-earth manner beat those who gamble without thinking.