As the time period lengthens, the price of the disk has repeatedly rushed up but failed to continue to rise, and has been under pressure repeatedly. In the bull market, the disk price will not test a pressure position more than three times. It will either break through after three times, or the pressure position will be stable, the bulls will be exhausted, and then turn around again. Then there will definitely be a decline in the future. Because the previous decline was too large, the stamina was insufficient, and the decline was reduced immediately, so the bulls were able to catch their breath, but the rebound is the rhythm of the downward adjustment, which will not change because of a rebound. As the rebound comes to an end, the disk will continue to return to the downward adjustment rhythm. Then the strength and base of the rebound are also within expectations, so shorting and watching the decline and adjustment of the currency price will also be the subsequent melody.

Cake can be directly shorted near 59700, and the target is 58500-58000. Ether can be directly shorted near 3010, and the target is 2950-2900.

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