ORIGYN is the world's leading real asset (RWA) certification protocol. Since 2020, it has operated in the form of a decentralized autonomous organization (DAO). A feature of its governance is on-chain decentralized democratic management to ensure that ORIGYN's strategic decisions are based on community consensus, thereby efficiently achieving the community's common goals.

As a DAO, we can remain impartial and neutral, providing the market with a recognized certification standard that even competitors can use with confidence because it is not controlled by any centralized force.

ORIGYN is transitioning to an Internet Computer Protocol-based Service Nervous System (SNS), which marks a further upgrade for us. SNS empowers community members to vote on the governance and changes of decentralized applications, better resource utilization, and guide future development directions.

This is similar to the decision-making process of the board of directors of a traditional company, but it is all carried out in a decentralized and democratic environment. Each SNS operates as an independent individual, focusing on the needs and development of its corresponding decentralized application dApp.

SNS is a model of decentralized governance, and its architecture is particularly suitable for DAO because it runs entirely on the Internet Computer Blockchain (ICP), enabling it to provide strong security, transparency, and inclusiveness. Its unique features empower community members to jointly manage smart contracts and decentralized applications without relying on centralized institutions.

Through SNS, every aspect of dApp development and operation is controlled by the community, ensuring transparency and consensus-based consistency in decision-making, which is highly aligned with community interests. This solid framework enhances participation, flexibility, and adaptability, making SNS the most powerful infrastructure for creating DAOs.

The transition to SNS will bring ORIGYN innovative reforms supported by the DFINITY Foundation, simplifying the operations of ORIGYN and its stakeholders. Since its development in 2020, ORIGYN's move to SNS is timely and this opportunity allows ORIGYN to take full advantage of the advanced capabilities of SNS.

The shift to SNS kicks off a carefully planned new six-year strategy as a detailed roadmap, to be unveiled soon, shows the direction of ORIGYN’s continued growth and innovation.

It is worth mentioning that during the SNS sale period, ORIGYN will not accept SNS community funds. This decision reflects ORIGYN's financial self-sufficiency and commitment to responsible community resource management, allowing community funds to support other high-quality projects.

Fundamentally, ORIGYN’s transition to SNS is a technological upgrade that symbolizes our commitment to pioneering decentralized governance for physical asset authentication, and this shift also represents an opportunity to invest in ORIGYN.


The term “real world assets” (RWA) has become a buzzword in the blockchain community recently, but why is interest so high and how is ORIGYN uniquely positioned to meet the growing demand for effective integration of RWAs on the blockchain? Let’s explore why ORIGYN is well-positioned to take the lead in making RWAs on the blockchain a reality.

ORIGYN is at the intersection of digital innovation and tangible value, positioning itself as the leading trusted provider of real-world assets (RWAs, such as artworks, precious metals, gemstones, luxury goods or financial services). Through blockchain technology, ORIGYN ensures that these assets are authenticated and protects their integrity, aiming to increase the efficiency of existing and new markets.

As the world faces a growing challenge of counterfeit goods, with a market value between $1.7 trillion and $4.5 trillion per year, it becomes critical that ORIGYN is not just a platform, but a commitment to security, acting as a reliable protector of valuable assets around the world.

ORIGYN aims to set new standards for asset authentication, revolutionizing the way ownership and authenticity are verified through a decentralized and transparent system, while creating conditions for the realization of a new efficient market. It is managed by the community through a decentralized autonomous organization (DAO), ensuring that no central authority can influence its standards. This neutrality makes ORIGYN trustworthy even among competitors.

ORIGYN is committed to ensuring that the authenticity, provenance and ownership of assets are verifiable in the global marketplace. It achieves this through three main concepts: traceability, authentication and certification as part of its sophisticated technical framework. These principles are critical to maintaining the integrity of all assets in the ORIGYN system.

This year, everything is possible thanks to ORIGYN

  • Launching certificates for real gold bars, creating the Gold DAO

ORIGYN technology is used to create GLD NFTs, marking a huge leap in expanding its influence in different sectors, especially precious metals. The GLD NFT project is a pioneering effort to digitize gold bar certificates, revolutionizing the way users verify and claim ownership of their investments through innovative applications of blockchain technology.

The partnership between ORIGYN and METALOR brings all the advantages of gold on-chain while eliminating its two main negatives: transportability and accessibility. Through GLD NFT, anyone can purchase top-quality gold provided by METALOR, securely stored by Loomis and audited by KPMG in Switzerland, allowing gold investment or trading in any country around the world without the need for bank intermediaries. Each GLD NFT is fully backed by the physical gold bar it represents, ensuring that it can be physically redeemed for real gold.

In addition, the launch of GLD NFT, in partnership with SNS Technology, facilitated the creation of the Gold DAO on the Internet Computer Protocol (ICP), raising more than 780,000 ICP ($10.2 million). This visionary DAO envisions the development of a fully gold-backed fungible token GLDT, ready to compete with existing stablecoins on the market.

By leveraging gold’s inherent stability and intrinsic value, this ambitious move aims to establish a new standard of reliability and trust in the digital currency space. With the support of GLD NFTs and the collective vision of the DAO, the journey to create gold-backed fungible tokens represents a major milestone in reshaping the decentralized finance and asset-backed digital currency landscape, all thanks to the ORIGYN Protocol.

  • Federitaly Certification Program

The Federitaly partnership begins with the 100% Made in Italy product certification, which was endorsed by the Minister of Made in Italy during the Federation’s Annual General Assembly in Rome on November 29, 2023, and by Alberto Gusmeroli, a member of the Italian House of Representatives, who publicly recognized blockchain technology as a real and concrete measure against the counterfeiting of Made in Italy.

The partnership between Federitaly and ORIGYN continues to evolve in 2024 with the creation of the “Made in Italy” certification – a potential market for more than 550,000 companies. The collaboration with Federitaly represents a major step for ORIGYN to certify and promote Italian goods and craftsmanship in the global market. ORIGYN aims to certify a wide range of products, from luxury goods to everyday items, through Federitaly, ensuring their authenticity and origin.

By leveraging blockchain technology, Federitaly provides consumers with transparent and verifiable information about the products they purchase, instilling trust and confidence in Italian craftsmanship. ORIGYN’s role in this project is crucial as the guardian of authenticity and integrity in the certification process.

By certifying Italian goods through Federitaly, ORIGYN helps to maintain the reputation of Italian manufacturing and craftsmanship on the global stage, enhancing trust and recognition of Italian products. The proof of concept with the Italian government laid the foundation for expanding ORIGYN's business in the field of certification and traceability. ORIGYN is continuing its work in other industries, including luxury goods, gemstones, financial services, etc.

  • Deployment of Tokenomics V3

Tokenomics V3 is an important update that improves the economic structure around the OGY token. This revision introduces more complex token distribution, staking rewards, and governance participation mechanisms. Tokenomics V3 allows OGY to transition to a deflationary token model and no longer mint new tokens to obtain rewards, thereby more closely aligning the value of the token with community activities and contributions.

The ORIGYN Foundation deposited 1 billion OGY into ORA (ORIGYN Reward Account) to reward long-term stakeholders of OGY. This update aims to stabilize the value of the token and incentivize long-term participation and investment from the community.

  • Introducing the OGY dashboard and a complete visual website makeover

The introduction of the OGY Dashboard significantly enhances the way users interact with the ORIGYN ecosystem, with the tool providing a user-friendly interface where token holders can track their assets, participate in governance decisions and view details of their holdings Analytics, the dashboard creates a more transparent and engaging environment that enables users to play an active role in the governance of the ecosystem through informed decisions and real-time data.

Recognizing the importance of user experience, ORIGYN has overhauled its website. The redesign focused on enhancing usability, improving the site’s navigation, and ensuring accessibility. The new website layout is designed to provide clearer information about ORIGYN’s services, simplify the user journey, and facilitate easier access to essential tools such as the OGY dashboard and the credential verification process.

Seven steps to create a leading RWA certification protocol

ORIGYN’s ecosystem is carefully crafted with multiple key components working together to ensure the authenticity and trustworthiness of real-world assets. These components are inspired by the principles of natural ecosystems, creating a strong and interconnected structure that supports ORIGYN’s asset authentication and trust goals.

Just like natural ecosystems, ORIGYN is designed to be resilient, adaptable, and sustainable, which helps it manage the complexity of the digital world and maintain transparency and trust in the global marketplace. Here are the fundamental aspects:

1. Protocol - the basis of trust

The core of ORIGYN lies in its protocol, which is the cornerstone for building the entire ecosystem. The protocol specifies the rules and procedures for verifying and authenticating assets on the blockchain. It establishes a standardized framework for recording asset transactions, issuing digital certificates, and ensuring the traceability of assets throughout their life cycle.

Through the protocol, ORIGYN maintains the integrity and transparency of its authentication process, instilling confidence in stakeholders and market participants. The protocol acts as the DNA of the ORIGYN ecosystem, encoding the genetic information required for asset authentication and verification, just like the genetic code in an organism. The protocol specifies the rules and procedures that govern asset transactions, ensuring their integrity and transparency.

2. NFT Standard - Redefining Digital Certificates

ORIGYN's NFT (Non-Fungible Token) standard represents a paradigm shift in the field of digital certificates. Unlike traditional certifications that are easily tampered with and forged, NFTs provide immutable proof of ownership and authenticity. ORIGYN's NFT standard goes beyond simple tokenization and allows rich data types (including images, PDFs, videos, and biometric data) to be securely embedded directly on the blockchain. This ensures the durability and tamper-proofness of digital certificates, thereby increasing their credibility and trustworthiness.

In addition, ORIGYN allows real-world assets (RWA) to be broken down into non-fungible tokens (NFTs) and managed through decentralized autonomous organizations (DAOs). It democratizes ownership by allowing small investors to acquire high-value assets such as art and real estate through affordable stocks. In addition, these fragmented NFTs enhance liquidity and enable faster and easier transactions compared to traditional asset transactions, thereby simplifying the process for investors to buy and sell stocks.

3. Token Economics - Powering the Ecosystem

None of the above would be possible without the OGY token. The OGY token economy forms the economic backbone of the ORIGYN ecosystem, facilitating transactions, governance, and utility within the platform. Metaphorically, OGY acts as an energy flow within the ORIGYN ecosystem, just like energy flows within a natural food web.

Just as energy fuels the activities of organisms within an ecosystem, the native token OGY also serves as an exchange currency, incentivizing users to participate in the ecosystem and contribute to its development. ORIGYN adopts a utility deflationary token model, strategically destroying tokens over time to maintain their value and scarcity. To generate NFT certificates, OGY tokens must be burned, which means that the entire project cannot exist without tokens. This ensures the efficient allocation of resources and preservation of value within the ecosystem.

In fact, protecting 1 GB of data for 100 years on the ORIGYN protocol only costs $60 in OGY!

4. DAO Governance - Decentralized Decision Making

When we conceptualize ORIGYN as a matter of nature, we realize that nature cannot exist without balance. Just as nature thrives in balance, DAO governance reflects the self-organizing principles observed in natural ecosystems, where collective intelligence guides decision-making and adaptation. Similar to the way ecosystems self-regulate and adapt to environmental changes, DAO governance enables stakeholders to manage the evolution of an ecosystem, ensuring its long-term resilience and sustainability.

ORIGYN's decentralized governance ensures a harmonious and fair ecosystem where stakeholders jointly shape its direction and maintain its integrity. This spirit is at the core of ORIGYN's operating framework, ensuring that the platform remains neutral, transparent, resilient, and adaptable to the changing needs of users. Through DAO governance, stakeholders jointly manage the development and decision-making process of the protocol and adjust incentives to achieve the long-term success of the platform. This decentralized approach enables holders to shape the future of the ecosystem.

5. Integrators - Expanding reach and influence

A central point of ORIGYN is that the protocol is envisioned as a long-term sustainable neutral standard. To this end, the ORIGYN Foundation was established as a non-profit organization. The goal of the foundation is not to make money, but to ensure the survival and development of the protocol to achieve its global mission and vision. In this sense, integrators play a vital role in expanding ORIGYN's reach and influence in various industries.

By working with these certified integrators, who leverage ORIGYN’s technology in their own systems and solutions, to bring the benefits of asset authentication to new markets and industries, ORIGYN ensures widespread adoption of its standards and protocols, further solidifying its position as the trusted guardian of asset integrity.

We like to think of “integrators” as bees pollinating flowers. Integrators facilitate interactions between different industries and enhance the functionality of the ecosystem. By integrating new partners and leveraging their expertise, integrators can help the ecosystem thrive and evolve.

6. PerpetualOS – Ensuring seamless operation

As the operating system of the ORIGYN protocol, PerpetualOS provides the necessary tools and services to ensure the seamless operation of the ecosystem. From the ORIGYN dApp to the OGY dashboard, Perpetual OS provides a user-friendly interface for interacting with the platform and effectively managing assets. It ensures the security and reliability of ORIGYN operations, enabling stakeholders to trust the integrity of its transactions and authentication.

Perpetual OS is like the soil in a garden, providing the necessary nutrients and structure for ORIGYN’s business to thrive. Just as soil supports plant growth by providing nutrients and stability, Perpetual OS ensures the seamless operation of the ecosystem, allowing stakeholders to trust the integrity of its transactions and authentication.

7. Internet Computer Protocol (ICP)

ICP provides the necessary technological foundation for ORIGYN to operate smoothly. It ensures the platform has the necessary speed, scalability, and security to effectively verify and certify assets. Similar to how a sturdy habitat supports diverse life forms in nature, ICP supports ORIGYN’s ecosystem, enabling it to securely process transactions and maintain its mission of trust and authentication.

ICP serves as the habitat or ecosystem niche for the ORIGYN ecosystem, providing the infrastructure and environment for it to thrive, similar to how different species adapt to different habitats in nature, ORIGYN adapts to the unique capabilities of the ICP blockchain, leveraging its speed, scalability, storage, and security to operate efficiently and sustainably.

As ORIGYN continues to develop, its roadmap focuses on expanding user engagement, advancing NFT standards, and integrating new industry sectors, with the goal of establishing ORIGYN as a universal standard for asset tokens, enhancing security measures, and improving the transferability and market integration of token assets.

In short, ORIGYN is setting a new paradigm for how we trust and verify the authenticity of valuable assets. By combining cutting-edge blockchain technology with a robust governance structure and an innovative token economics, ORIGYN is poised to lead the transformation to a safer and more transparent global marketplace.

2024 is going to be a year full of surprises, so stay tuned for big announcements!


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