I have several questions regarding people with negative qualities, but don’t be offended, because this is caused by the fact that the market is falling all the time and I don’t blame them! Here are some questions, the answers will also be from my side.

1. Why is everyone negative about the market attitude?☹️

2. Why does everyone get angry when the market falls? 😤

3. Why do they show all this emotion to others when they are angry? 🫨

There are answers to all this and very convincing answers!

1. When Bitcoin (BTC) cost a cent 15-16 years ago, when Ethereum (ETH) cost 40 cents 10 years ago, when 4 years ago Solanium (SOL) cost 30 cents... where were you???

I think most of the people who write negative things either don’t know how to work here 🥴 or are new to this business 🫡. There is no need to be sad and a holiday will come to your street!

2. Don’t get angry and be simpler, because as the market fell, it will rise, because it has always been like this, before you and before your ancestors and in the future. After every night there will be a morning!

After all the troubles, good days will always come, look at history.

3. This is already something painful and it needs to be treated! When you are angry at something, you don’t need to take out all this anger on others, this is already a disease.

I wish you all good luck and positivity!

#Bitcoin #ETH