James Fickel bought another 1,697 ETH 7 hours ago. The current long ETH/BTC exchange rate has a floating loss of 9.8 million US dollars. 0x Information reported that according to Ember Monitor, Amaranth Foundation founder James Fickel continued to spend 5 million USDC to buy 7 hours ago. 1,697 ETH, with an average price of $2,946. James Fickel has been long the ETH/BTC exchange rate since early January this year: mortgaging ETH and borrowing a total of 2321 WBTC ($134 million) from Aave, then selling it for 42,325 ETH. The ETH/BTC exchange rate costs at 0.0548. The current ETH/BTC exchange rate price is 0.0508, which means that his long exchange rate currently has a floating loss of approximately US$9.8 million (-7.3%).