Whether you're building a startup or simply trying to achieve your life goals, one thing will always remain true. If you're starting out on this journey, begin by building a network of like-minded people who can assist you along the way. Develop relationships by offering value and always wait for the right moment to make that life-changing request. So when you come to that bridge, you'll have your own black book and can call upon those in your network. This could often be the difference between: Struggling and Achieving your goals! The world is full of fluffers and transactional tourists. It's up to you whom you choose to associate with. P.S. There's nothing wrong with being a fluffer; a job is a job. If you know, you know. #CryptoCommunty #founder #crypto_king_2A Disclaimer: Includes third-party opinions. No financial advice. May include sponsored content. See T&Cs.