After making so many revelations public, did you respond, Yan Chi, the great anchor, did you have the courage to publicly call for a long position at 67,500, and a long position without a stop loss, it was really cool!

Let's take a look at the comments that are not usually seen. Usually, we see that his comment area is full of praise. It's true that the speed of deleting comments can't keep up with the speed of the fans' comments. Let's take a look at what comments there are. Spot replenishment, no cutting, no 🈹, what to use to replenish positions, fans have no bullets to replenish positions.

We have a fan who commented that he bought SOL with him, what to do, but when everyone went to see it, the comment had been deleted, at least there was no courage to answer directly, is this something that a blogger who only knows how to make money but doesn't care about the lives of fans can do?

So everyone watch and cherish it, Lao Deng's article may be immediately reported to his water army and removed from the shelves. For more revelations, please see Lao Deng's analysis next time!

#热门话题 #BTC #SOL