Today we will review the magic operations of Binance's biggest counter-index master.

The first#IOTXYan Chi expected the index to be 0.145, and he asked his loyal fans to increase their positions at 0.0612, and the current price has fallen to 0.0515, which has fallen by 20% in terms of spot. It is even more impossible to say that the losses of contract players have reached the standard of liquidation.

The second #XAI , the large-scale support mentioned by Yan Chi in the article is 0.99, and Yan Chi predicted an increase of 1.4, and now the spot price is 0.6475, and the spot price has fallen by 35%. He also dared to say that there is a 40% increase in the expected space. He is definitely a counter-index master.

The third one, #ACE , should be said to have the most horrible drop among these spot currencies. He steadily pointed out that there was great good news at 13.8. I really don’t understand where he heard the news, or whether he deliberately instigated his fans to buy. We can see that the current price has fallen to 4.57, which is a halving of halving! Friends who followed him should have lined up on the rooftop. Will there be a day to get out of this trap in this life?

The fourth sol is also the currency he recently promoted for secondary replenishment. In the article, he suggested buying at 133 and also specifically mentioned the insurance money. Isn’t this the contract he asked his fans to buy? The current price of sol has now fallen sharply to 121.6, and the spot has fallen by 10%. If you bring the contract, you should have blown up.

So those friends who speak for him, please read these real-time evidences carefully and beware of being deceived! Friends who don’t believe it can check his article. Maybe he was secretly deleting the article when I posted it, but the losses of the fans who followed him to buy cannot be deleted.#HotTopic