Urgent reminder, ETH has fallen to Lao Deng's lowest support level, Lao Deng's ETH 3042 has been broken, follow Lao Deng to stop profit at 3293 half of the position, and the fans who have taken the break-even loss should not lose money. This wave of the lowest point should have been lost, Lao Deng also told the truth. But overall, following Lao Deng's strategy will not lose money, but should make money.

Let's look at this wave of BTC pins, which has also reached the lowest point predicted by Lao Deng. If there are fans opening positions before, the current loss should not be very large. We just need to set the stop loss point well. There is no loss every time we open an order. We control the stop loss within our acceptable range, so that we can better prepare for the next order.

The worst way to trade is to frequently kill in and out with a heavy or even full position. This is a manifestation of complete loss of self-control, almost the behavior of a madman. Always insist on betting on those transactions that are most likely to succeed. This is a question of odds and probability.

#热门话题 #BTC #ETH