
During Token 2049, Telegram's CEO once again explained the grand vision of TON ecology to global Web3 users. Since late at night on the 26th, Telegram's servers around the world have been attacked one after another. This wave of publicity has made both Web2 and Web3 see the unlimited potential of Telegram x TON, and put TON, which has a golden key background, in the spotlight. Although TON's coin price has fluctuated and pulled back after a wave of highs, from the perspective of retail investors, its valuation is still at a high level, and the unclear chip structure and the difference between the development language and other Web3 mainstream codes have increased the threshold for ecological development. Therefore, retail investors have been struggling with whether they should invest in TON. However, although everyone's attention is still focused on the origins of TON and Telegram, the performance of some leading projects has also grown exponentially with the development of the TON ecosystem.


During the TON Hong Kong Wanxiang Conference and Token2049, Catizen served as the ShowCase project of TON's official presentation and became the leader of the current Gamefi Bot track in the TON ecosystem.

Catizen is the second Telegram Bot product under Pluto Studio. As a studio focusing on the release of Web 3.0 mini games, Pluto began to lay out in the Telegram x TON blockchain ecosystem as early as a year ago. As an early development team and co-builder of the ecosystem, the Pluto team received multiple financial and resource support from the TON Foundation. In August 2023, the team launched its first Telegram Bot-based mini game mini APP in the TON ecosystem - Tap Fantasy, a large-scale two-dimensional MMORPG game that currently has 730,000 users worldwide.

Catizen is a new mini-game center platform created by Pluto Studio based on the experience of Tap Fantasy, a GameFi project in the TON ecosystem that was previously incubated. The project team drew on the experience of developing Tap Fantasy and optimized the relevant processes to give Catizen a more complete economic model and high-quality community user experience. Since the launch of the Beta test version on March 19, 2024, Catizen has quickly surpassed Tap Fantasy and become one of the most popular GameFi applets in the Telegram x TON ecosystem, attracting more than 1 million players, more than 80,000 on-chain users, and more than 1 million on-chain transactions. As of April 27, the number of players of Catizen has exceeded 3 million, approaching 4 million, and the number of on-chain users has reached 260,000, making it one of the fastest growing projects in the Web3.0 ecosystem game users.

Current status and future prospects: LaunchPool is online

According to the official announcement of Catizen, the current development of the Catizen project has passed the first stage of user expansion. 10% of the players in the game have become TON wallet users, and more than 50% of users have become paying players!

Currently, Catizen is preparing to launch the second phase - LaunchPool. Players will obtain in-game points $wCATI by staking game assets. At 9 pm on April 27th, Beijing time, Catizen updated the Launchpool function. Players can participate in the mining of $wCATI by staking fish coins or cats. 60% of the airdrop distribution in the mining pool will be allocated to cat staking players and 40% to fish coin staking players; the total release of $wCATI in this period is 840 million.

Launchpool Participation Eligibility

In order to ensure fairness and justice, prevent witch attacks and scientists from opening multiple accounts to share the profits of loyal players, a threshold for participating in Launchpool mining has been set.

The participation threshold of the Fish Coin Pool (40%) is to pledge at least 1,000 Fish Coins to participate. Players can obtain Fish Coins through multiple methods such as completing novice tasks and inviting friends.

The participation threshold for the cat pool (60%) is that cats must be at least level 110 to participate. The higher the level, the higher the points reward.

It is worth noting that Catizen has currently deployed multi-chain bots on TON and Mantle. The project party has confirmed that the rankings of TON and Mantle will be integrated, and players from both ecosystems can participate in Launchpool for mining.

Six hours after Catizen Launchpool went online, the number of cat staking players reached 11,405, the number of fish coin staking players reached 55,627, and the total number of staked fish coins reached 4,357,617,888.

Catizen Future Outlook

According to the announcement, Catizen's third phase plan is to transform Catizen into a Telegram gaming platform. Currently, the Catizen team has signed contracts with 18 popular WeChat mini-games, and will use the team's valuable experience in chain reform and rich experience in TON ecosystem deployment to gradually launch these games on the Catizen gaming platform; therefore, Catizen will break through its own Gaming Bot positioning in the later stage and turn to the third phase of its project development, namely the game Launchpool, thereby empowering all Catizen loyal players and holders of its governance tokens.

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