[Harvest CEO: Virtual asset spot ETF response exceeded expectations, development potential higher than the United States] Golden Finance reported that Han Tongli, CEO and Chief Investment Officer of Harvest International, said that the current market response to the subscription of virtual currency spot ETFs is enthusiastic, even exceeding his expectations. He explained that it was originally expected that the Hong Kong virtual asset spot ETF would have a slow development subscription process, but in fact, the number of subscriptions on the first day was more than expected. He believes that Hong Kong's financial system and legal system can be seamlessly integrated with the global market, and virtual asset spot ETFs can accept physical subscriptions and redemptions, with advanced design. It is expected that Hong Kong's virtual asset development potential is even higher than that of the United States. He bluntly stated that the spot ETF product issued by the company this time is actually not profitable, and it does not intend to make money on this product. The main purpose of issuing this product is to connect the two different ecosystems of traditional finance and crypto finance to lay the foundation for the "first brick", and then profit from it, rather than just making a profit from a product.