A quick look at the popular coin circles within 3 hours (from CoinsRadar.net):

[Coin price fluctuations]

1. [Contracts] Within 3 hours, the following coins fluctuated the fastest, and there may be investment opportunities!

STEEM +2.64% POWR +2.48% MAVIA +1.38% ;PENDLE -7.6% CKB -7.12% ONT -5.37%

2. [Spot] Within 3 hours, the following coins fluctuated the fastest, and there may be investment opportunities!

AMP +9.01% STEEM +2.64% POWR +2.51% ;PENDLE -7.55% CKB -7.02% ELF -6.15%

[Important information]

1. Chan Ho-lim: The draft virtual asset over-the-counter trading system bill will be submitted to the Legislative Council for deliberation as soon as possible

2. Moonbirds: The Moonbirds universe is being built and will join Mythics with commercial copyrights

3. OSL Digital Securities head: Ethereum is not a security

4. Eigen Foundation: Pendle or any DeFi contract user will not be punished in the airdrop distribution

5. The initial issuance scale of Huaxia Bitcoin ETF and Huaxia Ethereum ETF is HK$950 million and HK$160 million respectively

6. The trading volume of Hong Kong spot Bitcoin and Ethereum ETFs exceeded US$6.3 million in the first half of the day after listing

7. Viewpoint: Hong Kong cryptocurrency ETF opens the "door" for Chinese investors

8. Privacy project Ternoa zkEVM test network is scheduled to be launched on May 31

9. CryptoQuant CEO: After halving, Bitcoin miners' income has dropped to the level of early 2023

10. Hong Kong Securities and Futures Commission: Approving the listing of virtual asset spot ETFs does not mean supporting or encouraging public investment

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