Today, some currency friends told me privately that the price of the pie seems to be stagnant recently. Is the bull market really over? ?

First of all, we only need to look at the actions of Grayscale Trust and we will have an idea. From 2021 to 2023, Grayscale has not increased its holdings of a single token. But this year, they have begun to gradually increase their holdings of SOL, BCH, LTC, MANA, LINK, and FIL. Isn’t this a clear sign of confidence in the market outlook?

According to World Brother's previous experience, every time the price is going to increase, you have to struggle for a while, maybe 1 to 3 months. Now the market is rising much faster than before. There is no rush, we have to stay calm. The longer the consolidation lasts, the greater our chances actually are.

Secondly, regarding the interest rate cut, although the Federal Reserve has released rumors of raising interest rates, an interest rate cut will definitely happen sooner or later. The World Brother Planet has emphasized more than once that it is expected to cut interest rates in June, and it will be December at the latest. (Communication point avatar, Jianjie)

So, what do we have to worry about? The market is now in the adjustment period after the first stage, and the second stage has not yet begun, and power is being accumulated. Don’t be washed out at this time. On the contrary, the harder the fall, the greater our chances. Think about it, why have you gone through several rounds of bull markets and still don’t have much money in your wallet? Isn't it because you were worried about this and that at the beginning of the bull market and missed good opportunities? Later, when everyone knew that the bull market was coming, you started chasing the market high again!