All friends in the cryptocurrency circle, please pay attention! Although Lao Deng has been exposing some problems in the cryptocurrency circle these two days, the points Lao Deng has not stopped!

The original intention of making money with fans remains unchanged. I don’t want the water army invited by a certain big V anchor to say that Lao Deng will not post points. Obviously, they have not continued to pay attention to Lao Deng’s articles. They only look for refutations of Lao Deng’s questions, but everyone has seen the problems raised by Lao Deng in the previous few articles. What Lao Deng went there for 188U? Isn’t this too funny? Following Lao Deng’s BTC and ETH points, you can make more money than Yan Chi gave you water army! Sometimes when you read an article, pay attention to the key points, and the password of wealth may slip away in front of you. I only say one thing about Lao Deng’s points, bring a good loss protection, don’t be a gambler, today’s market fluctuations may be very large, pay attention to your principal.

Don’t be attracted by short-term signs on the market unless the market sends a clear entry signal. Sometimes short-term fluctuations on the market are very tempting, but we must carefully examine the position of this small fluctuation in the overall trend. This kind of transaction has only a low chance of winning, which often makes us embarrassed.

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