Good news! CZ may be given a suspended sentence of 5 months!

Just now, a report from the probation office showed that it was recommended that CZ be given a suspended sentence of 5 months, and house arrest (click on the avatar Kan, the simplified world) and probation were required, and no jail time was allowed. This is really good news for the previous rumors that the Department of Justice would sentence CZ to 36 months and fine him $50 million!

After all, CZ's mistakes really don't need to be sentenced so heavily, and hundreds of letters of appeal are enough to show that CZ is a good person who values ​​friendship and is not greedy for pleasure! The currency circle has been difficult during this period. Tonight, Bitcoin and Ethereum are in a correction again. I hope that this good news about CZ can bring positive feedback to the market! Blessings!

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