The feeling of a full-position contract being liquidated

Watching the market drop bit by bit

It feels like someone is cutting your flesh bit by bit with a knife,

Every hit feels like a stab in the heart, and every breath is painful.

All your nerves and energy are affected by the market.

Although you have been suppressed for a long time and are very tired,


You still want to stare at it every minute and every second, not wanting to do anything, and can't sleep at all.

Even if you are very heartbroken and frustrated, you must persist, and you will only feel at ease when you see a rebound.

But reality is always contrary to one's wishes, and the market is still extremely fierce.

Especially when the point is close to the liquidation, when you are about to liquidate, you will silently say in your heart, it's over, it's over, you must hold on.

Your mental, emotional, and physical state are almost collapsed,

All struggles seem so futile,

Sure enough, it still exploded, but it was not as heartbreaking as imagined.

Instead, you will feel relaxed and relieved. You will no longer be so tired and can finally leave this cannibalistic environment. Decentralization and getting rich overnight are just beautiful dreams. You can sleep peacefully.


#美联储 #比特币减半 #大盘走势 #ETH #BTC