A simple old lady came into the bank with a backpack to deposit 500,000 US dollars. The president received her in the VIP room.

President: Your life savings?

Old lady: Where? I make a living by gambling. I always win every time I gamble. I just won!

President: "Impossible!"

Old lady: "Then let's gamble. A triangular birthmark will appear on your buttocks tomorrow morning. The bet is 500,000!"

The president was hesitant and looked at a bag of cash and decided to gamble.

After the old lady left, the president went home and checked himself in the mirror several times. There was no birthmark. Until the next day at the appointed time, he went to the VIP room.

The old lady arrived early, and a well-dressed lawyer stood next to her.

Old lady: Today the lawyer will testify to check your buttocks.

President: "There is really no birthmark, let alone a triangular one." Then he took off his pants and let them check his buttocks.

The old lady looked and said, "Sure enough, there is no birthmark. I lost."

At this time, the lawyer's face turned pale and he kept hitting his head against the wall. The president was shocked. Lawyer: "She just bet me 1.5 million that you would take off your pants in front of her and let her see your butt!"

In the currency circle, we can call this joke "risk diversification and hedging strategy". In the digital currency investment portfolio, this also plays a vital role. When we invest, we cannot just focus on the price fluctuations of a single currency, but also consider the correlation between different currencies. Sometimes, the decline of one currency may just correspond to the rise of another currency. From the overall point of view, the entire investment portfolio can still remain profitable.

Therefore, in the currency circle, we must always remember that the overall return of the portfolio is our ultimate goal. We must plan carefully, take into account the correlation between different currencies, and reasonably use hedging strategies to achieve effective risk diversification and maximize overall returns. #美联储 #ETH #BTC #比特币减半