There are only a handful of people who can make it out of the first path in the cryptocurrency circle, and more than 90% of them will die in this circle.

 Since we cannot become the top people in the industry, and we still want to get good results in the cryptocurrency circle, we must find a master to learn from.

 Find those who can get long-term, stable and continuous results in the cryptocurrency circle, rather than those who look half-baked. You can only feel and distinguish them if you perceive them with your heart.

 Choosing and believing are also a kind of ability. This is something that others, including me, cannot help you with. This is also the premise to avoid you stepping into pits or taking detours.

 The detours and pits you have taken in the cryptocurrency circle, if you calm down and think about it now, are they related to your own cognition, thinking, discrimination, and selection abilities?

 Find a master who believes in following 100%, and you can learn from the effective experience and suggestions of predecessors, which can greatly reduce your probability of losing money, thereby helping you increase the probability of making money.

 On the right path, the harder we work, the better the results will be, otherwise we will get deeper and deeper.

Leverage is more important than hard work.

As investors, we must follow the trend, learn to leverage strengths, and look at current choices with a future perspective.