The ten laws of investing in the cryptocurrency circle:

1. If you lose money, it may be a problem with cognition (insufficient cognition, cognitive bias), or a problem with execution (motivation problem, action bias), or knowing how to do it but not doing it.

2. If you chase the rise and fall and play those air coins, don't dream of using them to change the world. That's just your own fantasy, and you look too shallow.

3. If you invest in Bitcoin, don't just look at the minute line, look at the big cycle, and look at the big trend from $2 to $69,000 from 2011 to 2021.

4. Before your assets reach 10 million, you can speculate and pursue high returns; after 10 million, you have to turn to investment. Speculation is fast in and fast out, and investment is slow compounding.

5. Many people find that it is not easy to cross the gap from speculation to investment. Once they have tasted the excitement of fast in and out, they can't adapt to the rhythm of making money slowly, and the money will still be lost in the end.

6. The best investment in a bear market is to invest in yourself. With cognition, you can make money even if you don't have money; with money, you will still lose money without cognition.

7. Invest in the trend of the bull market and make profits roll in; in the bear market, invest in yourself and improve cognition.

8. If you lose money, it is worth it if you can turn the lost money into cognition. With cognition, you can make it back even if you lose a lot of money.

9. Focus on the things that don't change, and you can see more clearly. The price of Bitcoin is changing, but its underlying logic has not changed, and it has not changed as a subversive way of storing value.

10. Sometimes you need to think in reverse. When the bull market is at its peak, almost no one calls for short positions, and when the bear market is at its bottom, almost no one calls for long positions. #BTC #ETH #比特币减半