【There are less than 2 days left before the May Day holiday. ETH's strong rebound has led some ETH series to soar. Can it continue until the May Day holiday? 】

2024.4.29 morning 9:03 BTC market analysis

The daily fluctuation of the cottage is greater than 10 points, and the big cake fluctuates by 2000 dollars+. Band players have the opportunity to get the expenses of the May Day holiday by fast-forwarding and fast-exiting in the past two days!

Today's intraday low is not new (62700/62333), so the intraday trend is the consolidation trend of 1 hour level. This trend is the necessary trend for indicator repair!

The weekly line has closed down for 4 consecutive weeks, and the shape is not good. The high point of this week's rebound is currently 64000/65000, which needs to be observed. Will it continue to accelerate the decline, or will it fluctuate and consolidate for a week to give the cottage some opportunities during the May Day holiday? The weekly signal is not very obvious at present! The best closing price of the monthly line is higher than 64800, which will be a good choice. Pay attention to this price at the closing of the monthly line two days later; the daily line pays attention to the support of the key support level of 61600 below and whether it can be recovered after breaking it!

BTC attention

Support 61600/62450±300

Pressure is tentatively set at 65000

Pay attention to the competition for these points in the next three to five days, the mid-term and long-term points, and wait for the key points of the weekly and monthly lines to be decided before we see. Now is a relatively stalemate market. For all the rebounds, I will still regard them as opportunities to reduce positions and opportunities to play with waves (medium and short positions) in the first half of the year, and will not regard them as opportunities to go all-in for the long term!

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