Since 4/15, we have said that it will rebound to around 67000~68000. If you have spot goods, you should sell them quickly. Before the rebound, I issued a document on 4/20 to once again warn that this is a rebound escape wave. Don’t chase more and don’t buy spot!! (What’s funny is that various acids)

At that time, I also placed a short order near 67900. After being unable to break through the high point all day long, I manually entered the market to go short, and the result was a waterfall-like decline!

The next day I will tell you again that any rebound empty point, especially if it falls below the quarter line on the first day, will be a short point or a buying point when the 7-day average is retested the next day~

An alert was set at 649000, and an overweight short order was placed at (65049). Fortunately, the pin went down again to break the previous low!

What about the past two days? It has rebounded again. A bunch of bloggers are trading on the left side and trading on the right side. Which side of support is going to rebound? Where can I see it?

Isn’t it comfortable to go empty all the way?

Are you afraid of being slapped in the face if you are ambiguous all day long and are not sure what to say?

If you eat fish, you have to eat the head and tail. Each one is so powerful, both long and short, and you can make money as a dog dealer. I don’t just say it in vain every time. I actually put it into practice. Anyone can say that it’s great!

Sooner or later, this wave will hit the bottom. I would say it will break 59,500 before this Friday, and then it will probably reach around 52,000. There will definitely be a bunch of people who dare not buy here. It’s okay to say it’s going up when it’s going up, but it’s going down when it’s going down. Mao use?

That’s the pattern of those who only play keyboard warriors on the Internet.

No wonder the 82 rule, just be like those 80% of people! Say grapes are sour if you can’t eat them

If you predict in advance, you are said to be a braggart, and if you express it afterward, you are said to be a hindsight.

Everyone in this world has their own problems. You continue to be sad and I continue to make money.

Watch the number of rights increase and enjoy the show! 😂


#大盘走势 #BNB #新币挖矿