Stage 1: Introduction to Trading

1. You are surrounded by discussions about making money through stocks and futures, and you begin to be attracted by various money-making stories.

2. You start to wonder why you can’t get involved and become curious and impulsive about trading.

Stage 2: Desire and Exploration

1. You are attracted by the successful trading cases on the Internet and desire financial freedom.

2. You begin to actively look for relevant books and teachers, hoping to find a shortcut to success.

3. However, in this process, you may accidentally fall into the trap of others and be misled.

Stage 3: Experimentation and Growth

1. You start your first trade, which may be profitable or loss-making.

2. Those who have suffered heavy losses and have not experienced the second stage will gradually exit the market.

3. Those who can treat gains and losses rationally begin to officially enter the world of trading and explore the mysteries contained therein.

Stage 4: Expansion and Traps

1. When you make a lot of profit in a short period of time, you become confident and think you are a trading genius.

2. However, when losses suddenly hit, you begin to fall into anxiety and panic.

3. You try every possible way to recover your losses, but you may get deeper and deeper into trouble, and ultimately leave your principal in the market.

Stage 5: Deep thinking and tuition payment

1. Traders who survive in the market for a long time without making any profit or loss begin to think deeply about the nature of trading.

2. They review losing trades, summarize the reasons, and continue to pay tuition to the market and learn from it.

3. They gradually realized that the market is a battlefield of human nature, and tried to explore how to overcome the weaknesses of human nature.

Phase 6: Trial and verification of transaction methods

1. Traders begin to try to summarize and create a trading method that suits them.

2. They look for ways to make money from losses and strive to find a trading strategy that can increase profits and reduce losses.

3. They try methods such as position management, risk control, and mentality control, and continue to verify them in the market.

4. Traders who can withstand the test of the market gradually step into the threshold of professional trading, while those who fail to persist will leave the market and wait for the next opportunity.

The seventh stage: forming a stable profit structure

1. Traders who have been verified by the market gradually form a stable profit pattern, earning more and losing less.

2. They may have a high success rate, a good profit-loss ratio, or strong risk control capabilities.

3. Different personalities give rise to different trading styles, such as conservative or aggressive, but all aim to achieve stable profits.

Stage 8: Transcend the secular world and elevate your state of mind

1. Truly successful traders have transcended worldly distractions and become machines that execute transactions.

2. They are not disturbed by emotions and have a high degree of free execution.

3. In life, they seek fun, but have become indifferent to worldly emotions such as love, hate, and vengeance, as if they are overlooking the world from a higher dimension.

Each stage is a necessary path for traders to grow. Through continuous learning and practice, traders can gradually achieve stable profits and reach the highest level of trading.

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