Evening market analysis

This morning's information emphasized the pressure of Ethereum at the 3375 position. When it reached this position at 3 pm, it retreated. In this process, Bitcoin also retreated at the same time.

The lowest price of Bitcoin so far is 63230.7. This position is still above the long-short boundary of the daily line, and the bulls still have hope.

However, it is still necessary to emphasize here that this is a rebound fishtail market, and the participation of long orders must be light. The daily line has recently seen a continuous alternation of yin and yang, and it may turn downward at any time.

This statement has been said more than once today, just to make everyone clear about the current market position. Knowing the position and knowing what to do when the price reaches it? Don't guess where the price can go? The market is not predicted, never predict the trend, just follow the trend. When the direction changes, just adjust it in time. If you are wrong, correct yourself, and don't try to change the market.