Renzo pre-market information collation and opening price prediction

After two days of slacking off, it’s time to collate new pools and predictions. This time, let’s talk about our old friend @renzo

I don’t want to elaborate on what Renzo does, because I’ve talked about it too many times before.

First, let’s take a look at some of Renzo’s fundamental data so far.

-More than 100 Defi projects have been connected, and 7+ mainnets have been connected

-132W+ ETH deposited, and the number of independent deposit wallets exceeds 500K

-It is the only protocol that can provide protection for all AVS and get TVL corresponding incentives (airdrops)

-Ranked second among all Restaking protocols, and the gap with @ether_fi is rapidly narrowing

-Provided 12% of the shares for airdrops

Some time ago, when Renzo announced the airdrop rules, there was a lot of controversy, and it also encountered depeg. I sorted it out.

1. Renzo’s snapshot on the 26th has ended. In the end, the total score of the first snapshot was 1.7 billion points, so it is about 2.4-2.6 points per $Rez token.

2. Renzo set the airdrop score at 360 points, and a large number of low-security accounts were reversed (I also have quite a few). I asked about it, and the team said that there were too many low-security accounts. How many? 83% of the wallets were below 360 points, and these 83% of wallets only contributed 1.7% of the total score.

In fact, it is understandable. If all low-security accounts are given, it is likely that no one will be satisfied.

(The low-security strategy will have to be updated in the future, and the tricks that everyone knows will fail)

3. ezETH was de-anchored when someone sniped the nesting dolls on the chain that day, and many people used this to Fud Renzo. Today I see that the peg rate has returned to 98%-99%, and some people sold ezETH for ETH in panic, which is a bloody chip.

In fact, this kind of precise attack on the chain is a very common part of the Defi ecosystem. Since someone chooses greed, they will naturally bear risks. Someone once Fud stETH, and the most was 20% off. With the opening of withdraw, everything is smoothed out. At least the Renzo team pulled the exchange rate back much faster.

Opening price prediction

$Rez tokens will be available for 1050M tokens at the opening. For comparison, if FDV can reach the same 4.4B when it goes public, then it can be estimated that the approximate listing price of $Rez will be around 0.44.

Because Renzo opens the claim on the chain one hour in advance, it is highly likely that the recharge will not be unavailable, and it is likely that small pool transactions will appear on the chain first.Therefore, the most likely influencing factor is the secondary market sentiment on the opening day.

The performance of the previous Binance new coins after listing was not ideal, and the recent low sentiment of the copycat is a deduction. If it is still like this on the opening day, then the secondary market needs to be cautious, and it will be better if it is below 0.35. Of course, from a fundamental point of view, I personally think that $Rez is much better than the previous ones. It is one of the star projects of Restaking, the main narrative of Ethereum. The secondary market will not be too bad. You can refer to the situation of Etherfi's secondary market, which has also exploded several times.

Today, ETH started to rise, driving the market of many related tracks (Restaking, second layer, etc.). If it can continue to rise in the next two days, then $Rez should be more stable when it opens above 0.5.

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