Some investors are destined to lose everything.

First, they don't learn from their losses.

Second, they are greedy and don't focus on any one investment. They just blindly pursue hot projects without in-depth research.

Third, they are easily panicked. They rush to sell their stocks when there is a small drop. They often go all-in and lack rationality.

Fourth, they can't afford to lose. They always think they are lucky and think that the coins they go all-in will definitely pull up. As a result, they start to blame others when they lose money, but never reflect on whether their decisions are wise.

Finally, they are eager to make profits. Once they buy a certain currency, they hope to get a high return immediately, and they are unwilling to wait.

Here, if you follow us, everything will be simple.

How to layout, what varieties to layout, and how to maximize the profit strategy

See my top

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