In addition to the air situation, let's talk about the skills of trading:

As I often say: Don't just look at the long and short positions in the air situation. If the direction is right, the position is wrong, and you will lose money. If there are only long and short positions in the trading, why is there a 50% probability of losing all the time? Is it bullish if it goes up? Is it bearish if it goes down?

1. Cycle 2. Trend 3. Position 4. Stop Ying and Stop Sun 5. Re-opening

There is a 50% probability for each of the long and short positions, but they do lose all the time?

Is it really being targeted?

1. Cycle

Different cycles have different long and short positions, so the probability of 50 is not logically valid. Many people are doing 15m trading, considering the daily and weekly levels of bullishness. Wei: BTC669922 orders look like villas by the sea, so only looking at the probability of long and short positions is the wrong starting point.

2. Trend

Trend judgment is not difficult, but human nature is difficult to control. When the market falls, people always think that only rebounding can bring big profits. Yes, big profits are true, but profits and losses come from the same source. You should be prepared to lose as much as you want to gain. If the profit and loss ratio is not appropriate, the transaction will not be established.

3. Position

If it rises, chase it. If it falls, cut it. It is difficult to have two big rises and falls in a year. Chasing high and selling low is a taboo.

4. Stop Ying and Stop Sun

Danzi opened a villa by the sea. I won’t name who he is talking about.

The simplest profit and loss ratio

The skill is to cooperate with Zhicheng Yali

5. Replay

If you don’t replay, you will always know where the mistakes are.

How to layout, what varieties to layout, and how to maximize the profit strategy