Recently, the market has been full of bottom-fishing atmosphere, but many investors are still hesitant. So, when to bottom-fish? What to fish? How to operate?

1. When to bottom-fish?

The duration of a bull market is usually 18 months, which can be divided into bottom-fishing season and peak season. The bottom-fishing season lasts about 13 months and is a good time to actively buy; while the peak season lasts about 4 months. After the market reaches its peak, you should carefully consider selling. Therefore, we are currently in the bottom-fishing season, which is the golden period for buying potential stocks.

2. What to fish?

In the bottom-fishing stage, in addition to paying attention to large-cap stocks, we should also dig deep into small-cap stocks with potential. Through careful market research, we can find some cryptocurrencies with huge growth potential.

3. How to fish?

When bottom-fishing, blindly going all-in is a dangerous behavior. The market fluctuates greatly, and it is almost impossible to accurately predict the lowest point. Therefore, it is a wise choice to adopt a strategy of buying in batches. (Click on the avatar to see the group introduction)

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