Scam 1: Recommend small exchanges and small platforms.

A certain teacher leads orders, and earns millions a day on a certain platform, with a 100% winning rate. You can often see scammers with this kind of gimmick, guiding you to register for a small exchange, usually giving you a little sweetener first, and helping you make money. , I will take you to high-density contracts later to liquidate your positions. In other words, you can add coins, but you can't withdraw cash. It's just a pig-killing game.

Personal suggestion: You still have to choose a big exchange to play with coins. Currently, Binance, Ouyi, Huobi and Sesame are all acceptable. Other exchanges are not recommended unless you have a lot of money!

Scam 2: Mobile mining, stable static income.

This kind of advertisement is generally promoted and is often seen in the group. It usually promises that you will get back as much as you invest every day, and then tells you to attract as many people as you want and earn as much as you want. (Some just make a dapp and do not freeze or transfer your assets on the chain at any time) The previous Kia mining machine and BZZ mining machine have all been severely harvested. Nowadays, mining is severely suppressed, and the overall market of the currency circle is not prosperous enough, so think twice before buying a mining machine now!

Personal suggestion: Now is not a good time to buy a mining machine. It is recommended to watch more and move less!

Scam 3: Airdrop coins from wallet to defraud authorization.

This is usually done by scammers who first buy a lot of resources and then send them to you with one click. They airdrop a lot of air coins to you, which are worthless coins, and ask you to authorize them. Once authorized, your wallet will not be safe, and your account and password will be used by others. You all know that you can transfer your tokens at any time. This is a relatively common trick.

Another thing you need to pay attention to with the wallet is that if you have done cross-chain or authorization, remember to cancel the authorization after the transaction to avoid problems later. (Previously, the handsome guy authorized some coins. After a few months, the coins in the wallet The whole family was swept away and lost in vain,)

Personal suggestion: Don’t authorize at will, don’t believe in pie-in-the-sky, try to use one wallet for one project, and keep larger amounts in exchanges or cold wallets. You still have to be aware of precautions.

Scam 4: Primary market private equity scam.

Private equity scams, many small communities, or those with only a few groups, sell credits for various king-level projects at low prices online, such as the recently popular aptos sui and a series of high-quality primary market projects. They There is no quota, the delivery is empty, or the channel is unreliable, and a series of other reasons lead to the failure to get the coins, or it may take a long time to get them.

Personal suggestion: The primary market private equity market is definitely very good, and there are many ten-fold coins and hundred-fold coins in it, but you have to keep your eyes peeled when you choose the track, currency, or community and institution you want to invest in. First of all, you must consider the strength of this community. Strength speaks in the currency circle, so don’t be dazzled by interests.

Scam 5: Exchange gas card for U, also known as 15% off gas card

This is usually more common in Telegram groups. The common method is to chat with you privately and say that there are a batch of gas cards that need to be sold at a low price. In the early stage, they usually let you exchange them for 100 U. The transaction can be done for small amounts, and the gas cards are also real. For the fuel card, when the amount becomes larger later, the fuel card and U will be empty.

Personal suggestion: Just take a detour when you see the gas card. You can’t rest assured that pie in the sky will not hit you. Your luck is not that good.

Scam 6: Privately add friends to WeChat groups to guide you to invest

This is very common in various WeChat groups. They usually package themselves as professional teachers, or fans who follow a certain teacher to make money. They use the packaging in the circle of friends and the gorgeous language to seduce you step by step. When playing with her, there are usually more avatars of beautiful women, and more avatars of mature uncles.

Personal suggestion: Ignore anyone who adds you in the community group. If he is awesome, he is awesome. You won’t join our community group, big shots don’t have that much space. If you have any situation or feel something is wrong, please ask the management, and the management will give you guidance as soon as possible! (Anyone who adds you privately will be treated as a scammer.) Either they are thinking about your money, or they are coveting your beauty.

Scam 7: Fake exchanges and fake wallets

This is more common in Telegram or Twitter. It is some fake TP or exchange wallet. It gives you a fake link to download and register. It usually uses high commission fees as bait to induce you to download. Register his fake APP to achieve fraud.

Personal suggestion: Download the exchange or wallet through official channels, and don’t trust the links posted in the group.

Scam 8: Scammers pretend to be exchange customer service and call you and send you text messages

After the scammer obtains your personal information through purchase, he will contact you using an overseas phone number and tell you that there is a problem with your account and you need to "transfer" currency assets (actually asking you to transfer the money to him). This scam is actually not very clever. But because scammers have almost all of your transaction information, it’s easy for you to relax your vigilance and get scammed.

As soon as the scammer came up, he said that he was a staff member of a certain platform and could tell you your name immediately and accurately tell how many u you purchased at a certain time. Some friends were fooled by this. First of all, everyone needs to know that exchanges generally do not contact you proactively, so do not believe those calls that say you are from a certain platform. The official website usually also has a certification phone number. If you encounter this situation, you can verify it first to avoid being deceived by scammers.

Personal suggestion: just hang up if you encounter this kind of phone call. The staff of the exchange will not contact you proactively. If you are on OK, or Binance encounters recharge failure, wrong recharge chain, or other problems, you can call us. Contact Laoshu Teng, there is someone on Laoshu Teng.

Summary: I wonder if you have noticed it? Almost all scams take advantage of the weaknesses of human nature and can always successfully deceive some people. In fact, as long as we are not greedy and do not take too much luck, no one in this world can deceive us.
