2024.4.27 #BTC Market Analysis

Chart status: (H1 chart)

1) There was another shock and decline on Sunday. Here we stepped on H1 and bullish OB. When we got to the position where we received the order, we set a stop loss and took it, and the target was BSL.

2) If you haven’t bought it yet, just keep waiting. If it fluctuates for 2 days and does not break H1 over the weekend, you are bullish on OB and then consider buying. If the H1 bullish OB falls below , then you should pay attention to the test of range-L and fvg.

Trading recommendations:

1) 61000-58000 pending order layout spot.

PS: This article is only my personal opinion and does not serve as investment advice. Please be responsible for your own profits and losses.

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