
I share with you my experience of trying to scam in P2P commerce!

Recently, while transacting on Binance P2P trading, I encountered a pushy individual trying to persuade to transfer funds to a third party's account. Alarmed by its persistence, I reported the suspicious activity through the app. In response, the person insulted me, revealing his true scam intentions.

To prevent such incidents, here are five suggestions:

1. Check the reputation of the seller/advertiser before making any transaction.

2. Use Binance's internal chat system to communicate securely.

3. Do not transfer to third parties.

4. Pay attention to red flags, such as persistent requests for transfers to third-party accounts.

5. Use secure payment methods and verify the recipient account information.

When a customer is scammed, Binance is expected to take prompt and effective action to investigate the incident, provide assistance to the affected customer, and cooperate with relevant law enforcement authorities to resolve the issue and prevent future scams.