Yesterday (April 25), the U.S. GDP for the first quarter was significantly below expectations, and at the same time, the PCE price index rebounded sharply to 3.7%, indicating that the PCE inflation index to be announced tonight is very likely to exceed previous market forecasts. The combination of weak economic output and rising prices has negatively impacted investor sentiment, leading to a decline in the three major indices. The yield on the sensitive two-year U.S. Treasury notes briefly spiked to 5.016% before gradually falling back below 5.0%. Federal Reserve member Goolsbee stated that after a series of higher-than-expected inflation data, the Fed must “readjust” and “must wait and see.”

Source: TradingView

In the realm of digital currencies, the correlation between BTC and U.S. stocks has recently strengthened. During the opening phase of the U.S. market, the price of BTC temporarily dipped below $63,000, attracting a significant number of buy orders for BTC options at the $59,000-P and $60,000-P levels for the following week. In terms of bulk transactions, BTC trades are shifting towards the future, with the buying and selling of OTM CallSpreads and several sets of triangular price difference strategies indicating a gamble on the upside potential. For ETH, the transactions are predominantly bullish options purchases, spread across exercise prices near the 0.25 Delta for the dates 17 MAY 24 and 28 JUN 24.

Source: Deribit (As of 26 APR 8:00 UTC)

Source: SignalPlus

Data Source: Deribit, Overall Distribution of ETH Tradings

Data Source: Deribit, Overall Distribution of BTC Transactions

Source: Deribit Block Trade

Source: Deribit Block Trade