The short-term market depends on how big Hong Kong can open the market and how much funds it can attract on April 30.

The previous market is the same. It is not possible to have a big market in one day, a few days or a few weeks. It also takes time to brew. Many times, we need to understand the cyclical nature of the market. In the market that is not so easy to make money, we must learn to be conservative and learn to feel the pulse of the market! At present, the big cake is in the process of shock, and there are still relatively few varieties of independent market! Therefore, it is not the time for us to gamble on the big market or the speculative market, but it should be conservative or defensive!

When the big cake is still above 60,000, I personally suggest that you should not be too aggressive in bottom-fishing! Just like everyone thought it would not fall below 25,000 before, it still broke later! Or the bottom of this wave of market will also occur after the big cake falls below 60,000. In any case, don't be full.

Before the trend comes, I personally think that keeping the principal is always the most critical thing. As long as the principal is there, when the trend rises, it is more appropriate to speculate heavily. At present, it is not suitable for heavy speculation. Instead, you should patiently wait for the bottom to form. Do not chase the rise and fall. The current trend is actually not very logical, so short-term players remember to get out in time! (Strategy Pinned)

If you don’t know how to screen strong coins, then I suggest you follow me. Success is not based on luck, choice is greater than effort, and the circle determines destiny. In the currency circle, in addition to having a sharp eye that saves time and assesses the situation, you must also keep up with a good team and a good leader. If you follow me, you are already halfway to success in the currency circle!

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