How to plan for this round of bull market, everyone has a dream, the key is to land

Some fans often ask me about the layout, usually I will understand how you plan and how you think, some people say: I only buy Bitcoin, Ethereum

Some people also say: I have dispersed funds, for example, 50% of the funds buy big cake Ethereum, 30% of the funds buy sub-mainstream funds, and 20% of the funds buy altcoins to take a chance. When I make money from sub-mainstream and altcoins, I will take out the money to continue to hoard big cake Ethereum


So why do you decide like this? What is the reason? Most people see the suggestion of a blogger or big V, which sounds reasonable

No matter what kind of idea, there is no right or wrong, but the premise is that we must land!

The first idea: only buy Bitcoin Ethereum, then you don’t have to worry about choosing a currency. The problem is when to buy and when to sell.

If I didn’t learn to understand the market, I might also buy and sell based on my feelings, or listen to news.

But the reality I saw in the currency circle tells me that people who rely on feelings and listen to news did not avoid the 519 crash in 21 years, did not escape the top of Bitcoin at $69,000, and did not buy the bottom of Bitcoin at $15,000.

The reality is that in the critical period of the market, you can’t escape the top one day later. Your account may shrink by 80%, profit taking, principal being trapped, and the bull market will end in vain.

The second idea: the same problem, 50 % of the funds are used to buy Bitcoin and Ethereum, when to buy

30% of the funds are used to buy sub-mainstream, how many sub-mainstreams are suitable to buy, which ones to buy, what is the reason for buying, how to allocate funds, the trend timing of each currency is different, how to decide when to buy, 20% of the funds are used to buy altcoins, this problem is even bigger, there are thousands of altcoins, 🐳qun🍺蟋瑀👀玮:417072555 how to choose the next Dogecoin, the limited funds are invested in the sea, I am afraid that even the water will not be able to make a splash


Suppose we assume that the previous problems have been solved, and we have successfully made money, then if you buy Bitcoin and Ethereum again, won’t you put the money you earned at a high level again? The price of Bitcoin and Ethereum will not wait for you in the same place


These problems are what we have to face in every transaction, escaping, arguing, ignoring, can’t help us solve the problems effectively

Combined with what I said above, have you found anything?

If you don’t understand any plan and only look at the surface, you will think it sounds reasonable. You only want to make more money, but you don’t think about the problems in the middle and whether your ability can solve them

Only when you understand this industry and have the ability to distinguish and judge independently can you find out what the advantages and disadvantages are in these plans


No matter what currency you layout, you need to solve the problem of buying and selling points, which requires technology to understand the market

If you want to make more money and diversify your layout, you must have a trading strategy, fund allocation, position management, and follow the trend

All plans are made, and finally you must have a trading mentality, to integrate knowledge and action, and strictly implement the strategy


So in trading, do you meet the standards for technology, mentality, and strategy, or do you just do it casually and rely on luck for losses and gains​​​