Are all the people silent about this market? Do you feel like you are going to lie flat? Look at the highest increase in the list of gains, which is only more than 20. Are you disappointed?

Whether it is spot layout or contract layout, I believe everyone is very uncomfortable. It is clearly said that the bull market is coming, but is this market a bull market? The long and short double explosions of the contract with large fluctuations, the spot has not risen yet and it has fallen again. The big cake and the concubine are rising, and the copycats do not follow suit. The big cake and the concubine are falling, and the copycats are scared to death and plummet directly!

This is the overall situation of the market at present! ! !

First of all, Dabai wants to explain a problem. Now is not a big bull market. This is the state before the big bull market comes. Although the big cake has broken through the highest position of the previous big bull market, it can only be said that the market is still accumulating strength to break through a higher position!

And you and I should protect our funds during this period, don’t rush blindly, play blindly, and plan your layout method reasonably so that your funds can be fully and reasonably laid out! Don’t be washed out by the market, otherwise you will miss the big bull market later!

Dabai's way of deploying spot has been mentioned many times before, and it is also the best solution that Dabai has come up with to deal with the current market! I will tell you again today!!!

The best solution for deploying spot at present is to sell all the previously deployed spot that is not the popular currency in the popular sector and is not too deep. Keep the popular currency in the popular sector, and then add positions in batches every time it falls, so as to ensure that your cost price is getting lower and lower. Also, don't think that you can copy the last bottom, so that you will only miss the entire bull market. It is the right way to deploy spot in batches every time there is a big drop.

For those who have not deployed popular currencies in the popular sector, start looking for them from now on. After finding them, follow Dabai's best solution for deploying spot and deploy spot in batches step by step. If you don't know which are the popular sectors, go to Dabai's previous article [It is expected that the strongest sector will explode in this round of bull market! Collect it quickly! ]

The best time we need to wait for to exit is when the big cake is above 100,000. This is the time to sell all the spot!

Don’t doubt that Bitcoin will reach over 100,000, it just takes some time and it’s not far away. Once the interest rate cut begins and the ETF is approved, a large amount of funds will flow into the market, and there will be a surge, a surge that you can’t even imagine!Many people doubt whether the ETF will pass. Don't worry about it. It will definitely pass, but there will be many episodes in the middle. It will be delayed again and again, but it will still be passed! Pay attention to the recent news of the Hong Kong ETF passing. The market will open Bitcoin and Ethereum spot ETFs on April 30! ! !

The process may be difficult and hard to endure, but we need to have firm faith, and the final result will prove everything! The Bull Market Faith Recharge Base will always recharge your faith, and will remind you to start bottoming out in batches, and which currencies to bottom out! Dabai will carefully look for which currencies can be deployed in the short term and in the long term in the near future, so that it can adapt to some old irons who want to eat the meat of the rebound in the short term, and those who want to follow Dabai to deploy spot for a long time! Let the old irons in any stage eat the meat they want to eat!

The Bull Market Faith Recharge Base will always recharge the faith you need for you, until you no longer need it! Let's look forward to the arrival of the violent bull market 100,000 big cakes together!

#Megadrop #比特币减半 #大盘走势 #ETF批准