Why do I still maintain the opinion that the support level of 59-60k of $BTC will be very difficult to penetrate and the last time at 59k I still kept the portfolio intact?

Currently $BTC is moving across the 59 - 67k range, moving inside the Ichimoku cloud, making the market in a very unpredictable 50 - 50 state. BTC is still supported by Ema89 frame D around the 60k mark and will continue to sideways for the next 1-2 weeks. In my opinion, there will be strong fluctuations around mid-May and I am still Bullish.

Why do I still expect 80-90k and not 47-52k?

- Over the past 3 weeks, BTC has been going sideways, fake breaks both up and down have also eliminated many weak retailers.

- There is a lot of information, KOL groups are calling and waiting at 47-52k, this is a good sign because there are fewer Bullish people.

- The decline from 71-72k to 60k, BTC decreased by 15% but Altcoin decreased by 40-50%. If $BTC 's current price is 64k down to 52k by about 20%, then Altcoin will continue to decrease by 50-60%?

=> Assuming that the lowest possible return is 52k, Altcoins will continue to decrease by 50-60%. Looking at some Altcoins that have not yet run, including ancient Altcoins, top of the market like#MATIC#ATOM #NKN or new Layer2 like #ARB, we see that#MATIC#ATOM #NKN has been moving sideways at this price range for about 2 years, if it drops another 50-60%. sometimes even below the bottom price in June 2022. It can be seen that MM and Whale have held this price range for 2 years sideways. If this entire range is breached, it will be considered a LOSS for 2 years of HOLD coin of the big guy, $ARB is below the floor list price. What all Investors, Funds, Whales and Retailers have in common when investing has only one common goal: profit. So if they don't push these Coins to get new cash flow, where will they get liquidity to take profits?

So although in the next 1-2 weeks the Market will probably attract Alts to $BTC, it is possible to panic sell to 56k but it will be difficult to return to 52k because at that time Alts have a very good price range for Retailers to buy in and that is what MM unexpected.
