Old fans all know that I only do rebates from Binance. Why?

First, I applied for rebates from Binance and OK at the same time. Binance did not despise me as a small kol, and often asked employees to send rebate benefits to rebate users. I can hardly put down the Binance peripheral gifts in my home. OK saw that I had too few fans and directly refused to give me rebate rights. So I have always had a good impression of Binance.

Second, Binance is the world's largest exchange, and the asset security of rebate users can be guaranteed, and the handling fee is slightly lower than OK. What I despise most is those beasts who pull people to kill pigs and lose money in small exchanges. To do business, only by operating with integrity can you do it for a long time and grow bigger and bigger.

Finally, my Binance invitation code is HAVJVIJK, spot automatic rebate 20, contract rebate 25 (automatic rebate 10 + manual rebate 15) Binance added 10% rebate in the first month, which is 35% in the first month, and then restore 25% later. Thank you🌹🌹🌹