I'm reading Camel Xiangzi recently.

Even if you want to be strong, what can you do? The world is not fairer because you want to be strong.

The poor seem to have their own lives, but they let others control them. There are not many truths in this world. A woman's blush is better than a long dialogue.

If people see through themselves, they will not look down on others.

People cannot live alone.

·Experience is the fertilizer of life. What kind of experience you have will determine what kind of person you become. You can't grow a peony in the sand.

Life is to take a breath and talk about it tomorrow.

A cart puller swallows coarse grains and spits out blood; he has to sell the most strength and get the lowest reward; he has to stand at the lowest point in the world, waiting for the beating of all people, all laws, and all hardships.

When I was sorting out some sentences, I saw a sentence in the comment area, and I felt sublimated instantly,

"I thought that if I paid the down payment and paid the mortgage on time, I would have my own house"

"He thought that if he kept working hard, he would have a rickshaw of his own" - "Camel Xiangzi"